Piacere Pizzeria Delivery

Piacere Pizzeria Delivery

Ratones. Florianópolis - SC

Piacere Pizzeria Delivery

Pizza com massa de longa fermentacao assada em forno a lenha. SEGUNDA - 18:00h as 23:30hTERCA -... 18:00h as 23:30hQUARTA - FECHADOQUINTA - 18:00h as 23:30hSEXTA - 18:00h as 00:00hSABADO - 18:00h as 00:00hDOMINGO - 18:00h as 00:00h [Ver mais detalhes]

  • Seg 18:00h to 23:30h
  • Ter 18:00h to 23:30h
  • Qui 18:00h to 23:30h
  • Sex 18:00h to 23:30h
  • Sab 18:00h to 23:30h
  • Dom 18:00h to 23:30h


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